The coronavirus crisis we are going through right now is not only affecting you, it is affecting all of us.
This invisible enemy that has brought our world to a halt and made us look at everything through the lenses of fear can only be beaten by working together to flatten the curve.
The following story I read, is a great reminder for each of us. Learn to work together for a common goal. Enjoy!
Heaven and Hell –The Difference
“A man spoke to the Lord about Heaven and Hell. The Lord said to the man, Come, I will show you hell.
They entered a room where a group of people sat around the huge pot of stew. Everyone was famished, desperate and starving.
Each person held a spoon that reached the pot, but each spoon had a handle so much longer than their own arms that it could not be used to get the stew into their own mouths. The suffering was terrible.
Come, now I will show you heaven, the Lord said. They entered another room, identical to the first — the pot of stew, the group of people, the same long-handled spoons. But there everyone was happy and well-nourished.
I don’t understand, said the man. Why are they happy here when they were miserable in the other room and everything was the same?
The Lord smiled. Ah, it is simple, he said, Here, they have learned to feed each other.”
Story from: Ann Launders, Chicken Soup for the Heart & Soul, Heaven and Hell –The Difference. 1994
The more we work to feed each other metaphorically, the closer we are to regaining the world we all grieve, miss and now appreciate so much more.
My family and I both extend our spoon to yours in the effort and hope that each day that passes, it is a day closer to us being able to hug and kiss again. If we learn to feed each other, we can be a day closer to celebrating in-person weddings, bar mitzvahs, birthdays, holidays, concerts and sporting events. We can be a day closer to being able to attend services, our kids can go back to school and be with their friends and have in-person relationships.
With Passover around the corner, I will reminisce about the noise of my nieces and nephews running around the house laughing with my girls from pure joy. I will reminisce about the family pictures we take around the table that literally look identical every year and the conversations we all delight to share.
This year will be different. We will be connected but definitely apart. While I’m grateful for this Zoom technology, nothing can or will ever replace being able to physically embrace.
We, humans, thrive when we are in a pack and as such, this coronavirus thrives by using our need for connection against us to proliferate. So how do we overcome this crisis? By starving the virus of what it needs —don’t feed it. Social distancing, as painful as it is, it is our quickest antidote, right now, to regain the life we had.
Let’s work together to reclaim what’s ours – our right to gather and love freely. Our right to not have to put our relationships on hold. Right now six feet of separation is the difference between Heaven and Hell.
With Gratitude,
This one I read three times absolutely outstanding one
Miss this time. Beautiful ♥️
I hope people get this. If we act now, we can be together so much sooner. 6 ft is not a lot to ask, staying in our comfortable homes with loved ones is not a lot to ask. We can stay connected but apart right now. It’s a different time, but different doesn’t mean bad.
Beautifully written. Very true. Wishing you and your family a Happy Passover with good health all around. 🙏🏻
A beautiful article so true …
Sending much love and gratitude 🙏
Beautifully said. Thank you!
Love ❤️ can I share this?
One of my favorite stories!!
Waleuska you have once again found the right note to make us not only appreciate those family moments we once took for granted but also to appreciate that it is in common unity and live that we will survive these days of quarantine. I salute you and hope you will not mind me sharing this message amongst my friends and family. Much love at this Eastertide you and yours. Warmest good wishes Jenny ❤️❤️🌟🌟💫
Loved this article!!
Happy Passover and Easter to you and yours! Thank you for this, it gave me inspiration this morning. I am overflowing with gratitude for you, for sharing your journey and for all the work you’ve put into FMTG. My life is so much richer and blessed because of you. I can’t remember how I became connected to you although I am grateful beyond words for this gift!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!❤
Much love, joy, hope and gratitude to you,
Dearest Waleuska,
Thank you once again for such Inspiring words !!
Love and respect
Hi waleuska ,thanks for your another amazing article about heaven and hell,really all heaven and hell created by our own thoughts ,by our own deeds and you know waleuska.i know this is a very toughest time for world but we will learn some new aspects and new understanding about humanity,better relation ,peace and compassion and understanding the importance of this precious life,I hope you with your blessed daughters are safe and fine and enjoying each moments and I am sending my best wishes for Happy Passover and easter to you and your family
Thank you for these beautiful words, Waleuska! I hope you and your family have a happy Passover!
Thank you for sharing such a poignant story. I enjoyed it very much
Thank you so much. Very true
Awesome 🙂
Thank you for your well wishes. We are doing ok, all things considered.
Hope you and your family are staying healthy and hopefully enjoying this extra family time!
So Beautiful. So Perfect.
Very inspiring words and makes sense. Thank you
Thanks Waleuska- Jenny sent this to me- proof that the group of gratituders you’ve assembled are the best❤️
I love this article and wanted to tell you directly. Happy Passover to you and your beautiful girls!
This is beautiful! Thank you. 💜❤️🙏
Thank you for this beautiful message 🙏❤️