With everything that is going on in our world right now, it is easy to focus on fear, stress, and grief. I find that in times like this, it is even more important to change our perspective and focus on GRATITUDE for the things that still remain, for the things we still have and enjoy. WE ATTRACT WHAT WE FOCUS ON!

I invite you to shift your focus. While we don’t have to like everything we are going through, we can still try to focus more on finding things to feel grateful for.

Starting my day in a state of gratitude was the single most important thing I have ever done to transform my life. Five minutes in gratitude can set you up for success for the entire day. It can improve your mood, making you feel happier and at peace. It can boost your immune system by producing healing properties in your body as the repeated act of expressing gratitude signals to your brain to produce more happy chemicals to match the very emotion you are feeling. Living in a state of gratitude can lead you to build a future of possibilities.

If you are interested in learning how to turn your life around, heal some traumas, prune some limiting beliefs, learn to attract miracles for your life — join me May 18, 2020, through a 28-day, online journey of self-discovery.

Free registration at: https://jef.tips/FMTG