There are lessons the Universe sends our way to learn. I ignore them and took the road that I thought was going to take me directly to a life of bliss. Instead, it led me into a hellish abyss.

Signs are everywhere if we choose to see them. I guess I knew that, but I’d become anesthetized, blind, and conditioned to seeing only what I conveniently wanted to see.

Unfortunately, I learned that there are no shortcuts in life and sooner or later you need to pay the toll. In retrospect, I think I was too scared to acknowledge the signs because if I did, it would mean I had to act on them and I simply did not want to yet. It was easier for me to ignore the Universe who graciously respected my free will to choose my path for myself.

If you ever do what I did, rest assured that until you finally choose to wake up, the Universe will never stop sending you messages disguised as necessary to reach you—and send them with increasing intensity. You may be able to postpone a lesson, but never to escape it. Do yourself a favor and surrender. Let her guide your path.